Me, today, at 26 weeks. ignore my face.

This wrap skirt took about 3 hours to make and was really easy. The pattern is from this book

This picture is dark, but you can see how it fits & the length

Current status of the cross-stitch... not even halfway done. (some of it is getting cut off here)
I have another ultrasound, a week from today. I can hardly wait! And we start our Bradley Childbirth class next Monday!
My belly button is looking like a corn kernel in a shallow crater (I had an innie/outtie, so its basically disappearing). And I get braxton-hicks contractions a lot if I: sit down for too long, stand up for too long, don't drink enough water, or don't pee like every hour or 2.
Yesterday, this conversation happened:
Michael: how are you cleaning the bathtub?
me: uhh... I don't clean it.
Michael: ok, well, its gross now.
me: yeah, I used to clean it and it never got any better, so I stopped.
me: how are you supposed to clean a bathtub?
Michael: with ajax or something.
So, that is pretty sad. I do clean the bathrooms, I just hate cleaning the tub. We have seperate bathrooms (kind of, I have my stuff in both though) so I never use that shower. But, today I cleaned it, after I found some bathroom cleaner I didn't even know I had, and it looks 100% better. And I made some liquid dish soap! And found out there is a leak under our kitchen sink.
ok..first off, after the first trimester, the husband cleans the tub.
secondly...ajax is good, but for soap scum on doors and walls, try CLR or CLR Bathroom.
lol! I'm w/the husband cleaning the bathtub during ALL 3 trimesters! Hahahah! (Mainly due to powerful toxic fumes and inability to get on hands/knees comfortably);D Luckily, my husband and I have a special pact where he DOES take over bathroom duty when I'm pregnant...aaauhhhh...the perks of pregnancy! But, I hear ya on the bathroom 'giving up' cleaning it due to it not ever 'getting clean'-lol! It's refreshing hearing a similar perspective.
What a cute skirt! You're very crafty! I have to say though, as much as I love skirts and there cuteness, I can't wear them! I feel clausterphobic (sp?) in them going up stairs and sitting on chairs/couches (Love to curl my legs under me). But they look really cute on you! Cute preggo pics:)
haha well, first trimester I didn't move off the couch! And since then I've been happy to do anything productive around here... I was so pleased with how clean it looked after I was done, I wouldn't have let him do it if he wanted to! I love instant gratification (if you can call cleaning that....), and then I don't feel so bad about not doing my exercising for the day (or all the oreos & ice cream I ate). lol
Hey girl! You look great! Why did you tell us not to look at your face? LOL.
Did you use a sewing machine to make that wrap skirt? I have absolutely ZERO sewing skills talents, and I don't own a sewing machine. Maybe I can try the skirt by hand???
Your cross-stitch looks great too. What are you making with it?
Try not to "kill" yourself cleaning the bathrooms. I have never been pregnant, but how do you clean bathrooms? I would think that it would be hard to clean bathrooms when your stomach is not your normal size.
Anyway, take care and I'll email you sometime soon (smiles).
P.S. Did you find a name for your baby yet?
hey! I said not to look at my face because I didn't like the way it looked. lol
Yes, I made it with a sewing machine. I'm not sure how it would work out doing it by hand (well, it would take a lot longer)... but if you have $100 lying around you can buy a sewing machine (or even less maybe for a used one). And that book I mentioned assumes no experience, so its written simply & easy to understand.
The cross-stitch will go in a frame somewhere in our house.
Cleaning would be hard if I had a huge belly, but since I don't yet, I hardly notice it.
Yes, we decided on a name, but aren't telling anyone until after the baby is born.
muahaha i love that you say ignore my face...can i put that as a facebook status to ALL my pics?...ummm viewers...ignore my face...lol
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