This is the first cross-stitch I've ever done. Its a "Julia Ann Sampler". A 13 year old girl made the pattern in 1819. It's on 29 count linen & has this in the center & various trees & houses on the side. I got the kit for $2 at a garage sale! I've been working on it since the beginning of the month... the other day it took me 30 minutes just doing the cursive M & half the N.
I made this dress the past week. Its a nursing/maternity dress called "Catherine's Choice" from The material is kind of an olive green floral velour-ish (ok, I don't know my fabrics too well) ... not cheetah print as it appears in this picture. I've never made anything, except quilt blocks, without the help of my mom, so I was a little scared. I only had one mishap and I fixed it, so I feel quite accomplished now. It would have only taken 3 days to make, but I ran out of thread and I had to wait to go to fabric store.
And, whilst at the fabric store, they had simplicity patterns for $1 each! So I got some baby patterns, including that super cute one!
Yesterday, Michael and I went to Babies R Us to register and they were SO busy, they had a waiting list for registry scanners! So we just looked around & made one online, but I don't know how easy people will be able to find the things that I registered for online in stores since not all stores have the same things. Babies R Us online didn't even having diaper pins... I searched "diaper pins" and it says "did you mean diapers pink?". So, in short, amazon registry is much more fun because amazon has everything! Unfortunately, not everyone wants to order from amazon so I have to make a babies r us registry too.

We also found this in our cul de sac parking lot- thrown away by one of our neighbors, to be picked up by the trashman. Our neighbors are always throwing usable things away, like our coffee table, for instance, was out in the parking lot to be thrown away & there was once a whole living room set out there (we just took a chair & ottoman from it though). When the trash came that time, I caught a video of it chopping up the furniture... I wonder if I can find it.. it was crazy!
WoW! I can't believe you sewed that dress by yourself-insane! Hahahah! I have a baby quilt for my 9mon. Mabel I STILL haven't finished :( You've inspired me though! Especially since I just transitioned her from our bed to her own crib...what a toughy! She deserves a new blankey for that!
The Baby's R Us registry saying diaper pink is hysterical! I love baby pins and have looked for them for years (not for cloth diapers mind you, lol!-heck no, thought about it and came to the conclusion that disposable diapers are a mom's greatest blessing ;D) but because they are so cute and helpful...I'll have to check amazon out..that or ebay sometime.
And it looks like your neighbors are quite the blessing for you guys without them knowing it! How awesome! :) to get my sewing machine out of my ice cold garage ...;D
lol..."diapers pink"
Beth, if you wear that dress and you make a bonnet for your daughter out of that pattern, I'm afraid I will have to laugh. I guess I just remember you in sparkle jeans and a tank top and being about 13 years old. But go for it girl. I might start calling you "ma" though. Laura and I are very impressed by seem so grown up and mature. Can you give us lessons? ;)
haha, that dress definitely makes me feel like I just walked out of little house on the prairie.
I used to pride myself on not being one of "THOSE" homeschoolers... you know the ones that you can just tell they are homeschooled. Now I'm turning into one and everytime I see a big family all wearing skirts or jeans that are really tight in the legs, I think they are so cute! lol
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