Today I kind of rough-drafted my birth plan for fun and since we have to have the birth in a hospital birth center, I feel I need to be as prepared as possible. I also plan to labor at home as long as possible. Here are some highlights (lol)
- freedom to change positions, walk, go to the bathroom, do yoga, or labor in the tub as long as possible
- No IV & limited electronic fetal monitoring & vaginal exams
- freedom to be in any position, including off the bed, during 2nd stage of labor
- prefer to tear rather than have an episiotomy
- don't offer pain medication
- freedom to wear my own clothes (... maybe)
- no eye ointment, vit k, or hep b
- defer PKU test for 2 days to establish breastfeeding for more accurate results
- B/F immediately after birth
- no bottles, pacifiers, water or formula
- delay cord cutting for at least 2 hours or not at all (haven't decided about this 'lotus birth' thing)
- no bathing of baby... will rub in vernix
- Baby is to ALWAYS be accompanied by myself or Michael when not in my room.

I'm going to try to stop eating sugar... or at least I'm going to think about it and stop once the baby is born. lol. I just really don't want to be feeding my kids sugar! And its so bad for you, but I just love it so much, its hard. :-) And I just bought 4 bags (1lb each) of sour patch kids from the store bec. they were on sale from christmas- 64cents a bag!!! Who could resist such a deal? lol
I love amazon so much!! I have a baby registry on there, its fun. Its amazing to me how stores convinces us of how much stuff we need for a baby, when actually you don't need very much at all! Its pretty crazy how much stuff we have cut off our "things to buy for baby" list, like a crib and changing table... well thats actually all I can think of, but those are pretty major necessities to most people, and pretty expensive, and take up a lot of space!
1 comment:
Congrats on your pregnancy:) I just recently found out I am pregnant w/my 3rd and was trying to find some fellow christian bloggers that were pregnant to follow along with. I'm not sure when I'm due, but probably sept.
Anyways-your 'wish list' for the hospital looks EXACTLY like mine did with my first, I kid you not!-lol!!! I Mean EVERY EXACT thing!!:)I felt so strongly about those things as well and typed up my list and everything. Brought it to the Dr. & hospital, and almost felt in 'panick' mode, especially the part about not wanting the baby left alone ever (that my husband would go with the baby when I wasn't there), etc.
Only problem, my 'plan' went haywire-lol! :D I was in soooo much pain after 19hrs of labor I finally broke down for an epideral, tears streaming down and everything, saying how embarrassed and angry I was that I couldn't so it. Thankfully, the Lord's full of grace and laughter!:) He showed up once again and was just a calmer and protector of me and my baby and USED that hospital staff to come around me, soothe me, comfort me, and bring relief! I was just so greatful for it. Epiderals remind me of God's grace and mercy for us. I didn't see it that way prior, but in retrospect I do.
Anyways- I pray that you will be able to deliver the way you wish and that all goes well! Thanks for sharing your heart and thoughts! :)
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