Saturday, January 3, 2009


So, I have been studying the biblical headcovering (as mentioned in 1 cor 11) for a while now.  I even covered... for about a week, a few months ago.  Then I got lazy and quit doing it.  I don't know anyone who covers... no one at our church does, nor any church I have ever been to, for that matter.  The reason I started studying it was because I knew the Amish covered, and I have always been very intrigued by their lifestyle & dress... and knew their had to be a reason they did it.  Then I read this book (which you can download for free) and was pretty convinced.  Michael is neutral on the subject... so I don't know.  Its confusing, but I think I'm just making it confusing because I don't want to do it, but feel like I should be... you know :-/.  If for no other reason, I like it as a reminder that my husband is the head of me (and thus a reminder of my submission to him, which is hard to remember sometimes...) & God has put me under his protection.  The scripture says the glory of man is the woman and the man is the glory of Christ...  man should cover his glory to give full glory to Christ.  And, I see "hair is given for her as a covering"  but earlier in the passage it says "it is a shame for a man to pray with his head covered"... so a man should make sure he has no hair covering his head?  Not unless it means an actual covering/veil... or some people argue long hair.  It is also unsettling how it was a universal practice until recent decades.  hmm... 

Anyways, I ordered some from because they have really pretty ones that are convertible to headbands, so we'll see.  


Anonymous said...

This has always been a confusing part of scripture for me as well, but as I read it, it seems to be that a woman's covering is her actual hair?

At any rate, at this time, I don't feel that I am dishonoring God by not wearing an actually "covering" over my head in the presence of my husband.

LisaM at ThoseHeadcoverings said...

I think you are right that this subject warrants some study, and not just a simple passing thought - just as all of God's Word is important. Perhaps you will find something encouraging in some of the posts and links to blogs at the ThoseHeadcoverings blog. God continue to bless your heart and soften it to do His will.

Anonymous said...

I've had a hard time with this too. I just recently met people who covered and really born that I had never thought about it.

I'm still undecided. I know a few who only cover when in prayer or worship.

Miss Jocelyn

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found your blog from searching for women with similar interests. I am 30, just married 9 months ago and am expecting our first child on May 10th. I am also researching breastfeeding and we are using a midwife, which we are paying out of pocket for. I was also homeschooled for most of my years and plan on homeschooling as many children as we are blessed with. That was just to tell you of our common ground. = ) I found this post and thought you might like some comments. I was raised Mennonite and I have Amish in my grandmothers background. As for my family we were raised with the covering but my father and my family did a lot of research and praying about the subject. I, and my family, truly felt that the covering in the sense of a literal head covering was not what the scriptures intended. I feel that it is speaking of a woman's hair being her glory and covering, a sign of submission to her headship. As for your concern about a man's head not being covered, we believe that there is a separation as far as a man is not to have long hair and a woman is not to CUT her hair. I do TRIM my hair to take off split ends and to keep it healthy, but as far as CUTTING the length, I do not. I am not in the Mennonite church anymore, but I still follow and believe this teaching, along with modesty, of course. By all means, you should do your own study and follow what you believe the Spirit is leading you to do. But I thought you might appreaciate some feedback. = ) I am really enjoying reading your views. It is always encouraging to me to hear from other young parents who think conservatively too! Stephanie