I thought, for fun, I'd put some pictures on here... because I love my Mikey. He is such a wonderful husband.

This was around when we first met, Oct 2006. He had long hair. hehe
In the wal-mart he worked at, in electronics, where we met. I think this was right around the time we got engaged, march 2007. He cut his hair.

One of our engagement pictures

Honeymoon in Rome

After his basic training graduation, Feb 2008
What a lovely dress, flowers, hairdo, all! Bot your hair and Mike's hair have changed a lot.
Your dress was beautiful! It looks kinda feathery, too! What was the material/texture? (If you remember)...how sweet to have a little 'time capsul' of events. Thanks for sharing!:D
Thanks! It has an overlay of tulle over the whole gown & it was gathered on the skirt... it cost way too much.. lol. Especially since its just hanging in a closet now, it takes up so much space & weighs like 20 lbs! I need to just pay the money to get it preserved I guess
Hey Beth, I was wondering if you had ever been to these sites for babynames:
Just making sure. I think the best two are #1 thinkbabynames(it has a lot of history behind the names)
and #2 babynamesworld(it has just about every name on the planet)
Good Luck!
Anna- I love babynamesworld!!! lol I love that you can make lists on it, its fun. And, I like reading what people who have the name say about it.
Beth, If you want to see a cute lady who REALLY loves her husband, you should check out this blog. It is so fun to read and look at.
She is LDS, so don't go becoming Mormon just because this lady is so cool ok?
Did you get the Voddie Bauchum book yet?
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