When Michael and I were engaged the topic of holiday traditions came up... and he said that we didn't need to have a Christmas tree, which basically turned into this huge argument about me needing to have a Christmas tree and him saying that it was stupid and no one even knows why they put up a tree besides that its tradition. Now I couldn't agree with him more. My family always has a tree (and still puts it up, even if they wait until Christmas Eve to put it up & Valentines Day to take it down..). What is the significance of the tree anyways?
We either buy a fake one & have to store it for 11 months a year or buy a fresh one every year. We decorate it... who knows why?
We give presents to it... ok, ok, under it.
Put it in the most visible place of the house.
Sing songs to it... does anyone know "Oh, Christmas Tree"?
Did you know the pilgrims weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas or Easter, because it isn't commanded in scripture (man made tradition is not looked upon highly in scripture). It wasn't even a national holiday until late 1800. Sure, remembering Christ's birth is good intentioned, but why do we remember it with a Christmas tree & presents & santa clause (at least Catholics go to mass on Christmas day!). I'm sick of commercials on tv talking about the economy and this year we need to make sure every child has a toy for Christmas... it just rubs me the wrong way I guess. I won't even start on the origins of Christmas (and Easter too!!). I think some of my strong opinions on this come from my childhood- being raise in a Christian home, but on Christmas it really was just about the presents (and we got A LOT of presents!!!). Everyone is out to make a profit... Christmas tree farms, ornaments, outdoor Christmas lights, stores, stores, stores... if there is anything they convince the general population of needing to make Christmas better, they'll buy it. Because who doesn't want the best? And those that can't afford it, or can't afford a lot of gifts for their children are made to feel inadequate so then they get credit cards to pay for it!! materialism is rampant.
Even if you don't agree with me, just question why you do things... anything. So that if you decide to continue doing them, at least if someone asks you 'why?', you will have an answer. Like, why do we use shampoo and conditioner and face wash?? because we are told we need it, which we don't... my hair is looking great after 2 weeks (I think thats how longs its been...) washing every couple days with 1T b.s. & 1T apple cider vinegar. And, my face looks better just rinsing with water than it did when I used proactiv!
Why do we go to the hospital to have babies? Bec. we are told we our bodies need help & we need to be relieved of the "pain" (I put that in quotes bec. pain means something is wrong... labor is not wrong) because our bodies aren't able to do what they were made by God to do... hmmmm. Now I understand sometimes (most of the time not) emergencies happen & things can go wrong so it is a good thing that we have such advanced medical science so that a baby can be born at 6 months gestation & still survive.
Ok, I'm done, I got way off track I think...
I have to agree with you on the ideas of Christmas. I hadn't really thought about it that much until this year for some reason. You are correct when you say that Christmas, for the most part, is about getting and giving presents. Yes, people say it's about remembering the birth of Christ, people gather together as families, have dinners, etc. but most of Christmas is far too commercialized to even concentrate on the latter points.
After spending far more than I can afford this year on Christmas gifts, I am ready to reconsider another way. I told my husband that we need to discuss this because it's just been far TOO stressful to do all these "holiday things," and "the holidays" are supposed to be relaxing and stress-free, ha!
Anyway, I want to know more about the orgins of Easter and Christmas. Where did you find this information? I'd like to read about it myself.
P.S. I sent you the email the other day. Did you receive it?
Hey, yes, I got your email... did you get the one I sent you?
There is a really good sermon on Christmas from sermonaudio.com if you search for "how christian is christmas" its from a church called Faith Presbyterian Church Reformed (if you can't find it, let me know). http://www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn61/christmas.htm and as far as Easter http://www.gnmagazine.org/issues/gn69/easter.htm
those are both really informative, but they are from a magazine that is published by Church of God, so I don't agree with some of their other beliefs, but its informative with lots of scripture references.
I haven't looked for any books about it though...
Hope the next few days are more relaxing for you :-)
I too have to agree with you. I personally like how Christmas trees look and and the lights and so on but when I really stop and think about it I realize..''wait..isn't CHRISTmas suppose to be about Christ?'' Then you see on TV (as you wrote)about all the hurry for the ''holidays'' shopping, the big sales, the kids who need presents, etc,. We have made CHRISTmas a MAN CENTERED tradition. As well as birthdays.. another MAN CENTERED tradition. We celebrate our birthday how WE ''made it'' through another year, how WE managed, what WE did, how WE are getting older as if WE were the ones to give ourselves life. Again I like cake (as well as ace cream,cup cakes,gelatin ,chocolates) and gifts for any occasion but why are we celebrating ourselves so much?? Isn't God who gives and takes away life? Isn't He the one who we are to thank for tomorrow and the next day? I think we become so numb with all this things when we throw the Lord out of the picture.
Ok, I'll stop now.
Good thoughts.
Hey I wanted to ask if you had a Facebook?
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