Me, today, at 26 weeks. ignore my face.

This wrap skirt took about 3 hours to make and was really easy. The pattern is from this book

This picture is dark, but you can see how it fits & the length

Current status of the cross-stitch... not even halfway done. (some of it is getting cut off here)
I have another ultrasound, a week from today. I can hardly wait! And we start our Bradley Childbirth class next Monday!
My belly button is looking like a corn kernel in a shallow crater (I had an innie/outtie, so its basically disappearing). And I get braxton-hicks contractions a lot if I: sit down for too long, stand up for too long, don't drink enough water, or don't pee like every hour or 2.
Yesterday, this conversation happened:
Michael: how are you cleaning the bathtub?
me: uhh... I don't clean it.
Michael: ok, well, its gross now.
me: yeah, I used to clean it and it never got any better, so I stopped.
me: how are you supposed to clean a bathtub?
Michael: with ajax or something.
So, that is pretty sad. I do clean the bathrooms, I just hate cleaning the tub. We have seperate bathrooms (kind of, I have my stuff in both though) so I never use that shower. But, today I cleaned it, after I found some bathroom cleaner I didn't even know I had, and it looks 100% better. And I made some liquid dish soap! And found out there is a leak under our kitchen sink.