I went to my sisters graduation this past weekend, I saw a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a while. They ask the inevitable questions… “So, what are you going to do in Colorado?” “Are you going to College?” etc. Since Michael and I don’t have children yet- everyone is expecting me to work or go to school. By people’s reactions to me “being a homemaker”, you’d think I had dropped out of high school or something! College isn’t for everyone! It’s not mandatory. It shouldn’t be a place for young adults, biding their time, figuring out what they want to do… Why go to college when you can learn things on your own? you’d think homeschoolers would understand this concept! Why get a degree if you aren’t going to use it? Does having a degree make a person more important or useful than one without? Not to mention it’s outrageously expensive. Correct me if I’m wrong, but college isn’t meant to:
“teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed” .Titus 2:4-5
So, when/where do women learn to be those things? That ought to be someones job- otherwise the word of God is blasphemed, sounds serious to me!! (its supposed to be the older women, but where is this happening? I never see it). How am I to be a helper to my husband if I’m out all day working hard just like he is? How can I be a keeper at home if I never learned how? How can I be submissive & subject to my husband if for the past 4 years (at least, probably more than that if I had gone to a school and hadn’t been homeschooled) I’ve been told the opposite?Why is it ok for a woman to serve a random man in the workplace, but it’s unacceptable for a woman to serve her husband in the home?
Who created marriage? God. Who commanded women to be a helper suitable for their husband? God. How many people do you know that are fulfilling their BIBLICAL wife/husband roles? How many people do you know that are divorced?
Where in the bible are women laying bricks or being carpenters? Where is Rosie the Riveter bible style?
Education: the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
Whatever, this is just a rant. I don’t understand Christian society... but then again I don’t understand why most Christians don’t homeschool. I'm not judging people for going to college/working- so people shouldn't look down on me for choosing not to (like I haven't thought this through).
I wish I had never worked outside the home or gone to college- just so I could say I hadn't. :)
Oh, to be counter-cultural.