Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jobs & babies

I recently applied for a job.

The manager basically offered me the job on the spot (since I had experience with this exact type of job, not many applicants would). It was really tempting to make extra money for some things I wanted to do (ballet classes, violin lessons...). I was really excited about it at first... but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how grateful & blessed I am that I have been able to stay at home. And, if I took this job, meaning not only would I not be here for Michael to come home to on his lunch- I would want to do those extra things meaning I would be gone in the evenings too. As much as I want to- I know its not what God wants, I shouldn't take this for granted!

I withdrew my application.

I feel even more dedicated to my purpose of being a homemaker.

Michael and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now. I thought that trusting God with your fertility would mean you got pregnant immediately and had 20 kids (if only we were so lucky!). I get so discouraged because I want so badly to have a lot of children. Its really hard to trust God, and remember that he is in control in circumstances like these, especially thinking about the child I could be pregnant with right now, but I'm not. And everyone keeps tellings us we should "wait a few years". That makes me upset and sad. But this bread pudding warms my womb..

mmm bread pudding.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Excellent choice. The lure of many things drives people into the work force and once they regret it, it is hard to get out. Resist the temptation! May God bless you with a child soon.