Tomorrow is 19 weeks!!! Almost half way, I can hardly believe it. Its going by so fast. This picture was from 18 weeks though. Tomorrow we have an ultrasound and will hopefully be able to find out the sex! Oh my, I am so anxious to find out! I'm pretty sure I have been feeling the baby kick now, I think I have been feeling it for a little while but wasn't exactly sure what it was. And, actually I think we felt it on the outside of my belly yesterday. We were watching the Steelers game and throughout the whole second half I could put my hand on my stomach and feel movements (and the steelers won)... and this went on (not constantly, just every once in a while) until I went to sleep last night. I thought I wouldn't be able to feel anything on the outside for a long time, but I was reading online (where all intelligent people get their reliable information, lol) & apparently that is not the case (especially since I'm thinner). So, I am pretty sure thats what it was- Michael got to feel it once too, but he is unconvinced.
(I think I use parentheses too much)
Since I have my appointment tomorrow & weigh the same as I did at my last appointment (4 weeks ago)... I'm really going to have to pack on the pounds today & tomorrow, I don't know why I am having such a hard time gaining weight, now that I need to and am trying to! Thanksgiving night I was up all night throwing up, basically once an hour, & then the next day (which was my birthday) I couldn't eat anything or get off the couch. But then the next day I was back to normal. It was very strange, maybe it was some 24 hour flu thing. And I refuse to get a flu shot this year- my midwife suggested I get one and I asked her if it had thimerosal/mercury in it and she didn't think they made them with that anymore, but she checked and sure enough it did, but she was very understand of why I wouldn't want it. But I'm supposed to get a rhogam shot again here pretty soon (bec. apparently michael and I are the 13% of the population he has positive & I have negative RH), so I need to do some more research on that.
Today is my dad's 59th birthday! And he still has 2 teenage girls at home... ahh, they'll keep him young lol. happy birthday daddy!
Hello! It's me, again! Did you find out the sex of the baby yet?
I'm sorry to hear that you were ill during Thanksgiving and your birthday. That certainly is a bummer. You probably did have some kind of stomach flu.
Anyway, that's all for now. You can email anytime so we don't have to use this silly blog when we are not in the mood. My email address is: mrsladysofia@rocketmail.com.
P.S. Do you have your baby names picked-out yet?
I'm expecting my first child too!
It's so exiting. I wish I had kept pictures my little one's growth.
Truly is amazing. Hope to see you around. :)
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