17 months old
3 weeks old
And, since I have nothing to do on the internet anymore - I've been looking up dog breeds for like 2 days straight and found the perfect one for us - we have very limited choices because we need a very light to non-shedding dog and one that is good with small children and doesn't require tons of grooming (no poodles) and is easily trainable/good temperament, and I just like bigger dogs.... enter bergamasco!!

Unfortunately it seems to be a very rare breed, there are only like 5 breeders in the U.S., one of which requires you to go to NY to pick up your pup so they can meet you and another isn't sure if she's even going to have another litter. Just my luck! I don't even want a puppy - at all! I want an adult dog that is already trained and spayed/neutered and already has all his puppy shots, etc, I have no desire for a puppy but seriously, finding an adult of this dog seems impossible (heck, finding a puppy seems impossible). *sigh* how adorable are those dreads?! ;-)