Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm super duper opinionated and judgmental. This usually isn't in real life since in real life I go out of my way to make other people feel comfortable and un-awkward and accepted and I have confrontation phobia. But, for some reason, I have this internet alter-ego that is kind of out of control. And, sometimes I don't even realize how I may come off to other people.

Also, can I just add that when I heard Mike's mom had all of her 6 kids unmedicated I was seriously, seriously disturbed by this fact. I could not let it go and made him call her and ask her why she would do that (this was before I knew anything about birth). A few weeks later, after researching things, I was begging him to have all of our future (we were engaged at the time) babies be born at home.

I have this friend... we talk occasionally online, I had told this friend who is pregnant- how birth isn't really bad (I tell every pregnant person this, and my entire childhood I said I would never have children because I never wanted to go through it and all the media portrayals are scary!). And we got started talking about her OB because she said she was an awesome doc and how I should use her when I get pregnant again. I said that I was hoping to have a homebirth (doubtful! I hate you, tricare!!!) next time so I don't think her doc would be up for that... and she thought I was crazy and I said it wouldn't really be much different since I didn't use any drugs in the hospital... she thought I was even crazier. This was a few months ago and I was very proud of myself for not being pushy and all "don't use drugs during labor or your baby will die!" haha

Fast forward to now, she posted something on facebook about taking a lamaze class and I asked her if it was all crazy breathing and said not too bad and they learned a bunch of different positions and massages etc. I was like "cool, are you planning a natural birth then? You can't exactly use positions with an epidural ;-)". Sometimes I'm an embarrassment to myself. I really didn't even think anything about it (until she didn't respond... or maybe she hasn't seen it yet)... what if she wasn't planning a natural birth- thats just mean! Usually if I think something is on the verge of inappropriate or rude, I have to consider it for a long time before typing it and I didn't.

If only I was as evangelistic about Jesus as I am about birth, circumcision, ecological breastfeeding, babywearing, cosleeping, homeschooling, EC, cloth diapers, etc. why is that?

So, I hope nobody hates me and sorry if I ever offend anyone. I'm just so passionate about things (besides Jesus :(, apparently) and never consider the possibility that there might be legitimate reasons why someone would not want/be able to do these things. Now, I need to apologize to my preggo friend.

I'm in Kansas and Faith has been nursing/sleeping on me (yes, they are synonymous) the whole time I've been typing :)


On the Verge-Couples ed. said...

you offend me all the time. jerk.

;)love you! call me tom we need to get together!

The Carr Family said...

Again.... we are SOOO alike! I struggle with this all the time now that I'm a mommy. I'm with you!

chicago_mom said...

I can relate. As a general rule I try to post very few comments that sound at all judgmental...even if I'm just being funny and don't even MEAN for it to be judgmental sounding. Because once it's out's just OUT THERE! And you can't take it back and people can interpret it any way since it's not in person. And then you feel bad. Just remember: "reign it in". ;)

Anonymous said...

On the note of epidurals, not all labors are alike. My first labor was SOOOOOO painful. The contractions did not come and go, it was one solid contraction and never went away (I think this was because I was going so fast for a first born). I also think I was in transition while they were giving me the epidural. But nobody told me that and I of course didn't know. My second baby I was so SCARED of the pain I had experienced the first time that I had an epidural before I was even in pain. Hunter was born a few minutes later (pointless....). My last four were completely natural but so much easier than the first one. I LOVE child birth now. But that said, my first time was a nightmare. So, I've come to conclusion that all labors are not the same. I wish I had not had an epidural the first time because I think I was almost ready to birth BUT I know not to be too proud of my natural births because really they were just too EASY.