Monday, August 31, 2009

"Unconventional Mom"

Anyone remember the TV show Blossom? I caught a few episodes when I was little.... my mom didn't let us watching it though. :-) Anyways, she is an EC-ing, AP, homeschool mom now! You can see the video interview/article here. Apparently what she does is "somewhat controversial". lol

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I was in this store today and almost started crying... the saddest thing I've EVER heard...

womanA: are you happy school is starting?
womanB: YES!!!
womanA: oh... where is your baby?
womanB: in daycare where he belongs...
then they started talking about formula

I couldn't believe my ears. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, like oh thats sad she must have to put her baby in daycare so she can work because her husband died and they have 6 kids or something equally sad. but to hear that.. I don't even have any words!! And I'm constantly hearing how happy moms are that school is starting again. Why are we always viewing our children as huge burdens and something we need to escape? I'll tell you why... feminism and probably other things, gah.. I don't even want to talk about it.

I think I'll be sad the rest of the day now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I read too much...

So, the other day I was thinking "its time to learn something new". lol

I started reading about how bad sugar is for you... and just as I was figuring out this whole high altitude baking problem. Then about how much better it is to grind your own flour and drinking raw milk. ugh, I'm so overwhelmed, I want to do it all!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

School Time!

“Let it be remembered, that I do not speak to the wild, giddy, thoughtless world, but to those that fear God. I ask, then, for what end do you send you children to school? “Why, that they may be fit to live in the world.” In which world do you mean, — this or the next? Perhaps you thought of this world only; and had forgot that there is a world to come; yea, and one that will last for ever! Pray take this into your account, and send them to such masters as will keep it always before their eyes. Otherwise, to send them to school (permit me to speak plainly) is little better than sending them to the devil. At all events, then, send your boys, if you have any concern for their souls, not to any of the large public schools, (for they are nurseries of all manner of wickedness,) but private school, kept by some pious man, who endeavours to instruct a small number of children in religion and learning together.” - John Wesley (1703-1791)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Underground History of American Education

Free Book Online

I checked this book out from the library and it is HUGE. I can't believe they put it all online!