I have been reading a ton on child (and baby) training recently and have come to the conculsion that its awful. At least conventional methods. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut since I don't have unruly toddlers running around, but there are some wonderful articles
here (on spanking & discipline) and
here (on the different baby training methods) written by Christians that do have older children and the gentle disciplining they write about seem to be working.
I read "To Train Up A Child"(TTUAC), you could read it online until just recently... something fishy is going on, all the links I post to free online books end up being removed from the internet. anyways, it is like $5 on amazon, but just reading the reviews should give you an idea. And Barnes and Noble has stopped carrying it... hmmmm

Basically their answer to everything was "switchings" (for babies too, with a willow branch) and never use your hand on their bottom because it doesn't hurt the child and it can mess up their spine apparently. But, you can use a large tree branch, wooden spoon, a belt across the back of the legs; I believe is what was suggested. They back this up with biblical evidence of "God spanks us when we disobey", and of course those Proverbs on 'The Rod'. No, God doesn't give us the exact same physically painful consequence for every sin committed. I felt like the author made up a bunch of bologna... he said a rebellious teenage boy came to him and said that he wished his parents loved him enough to spank him... really?! And a small child telling his mother he loved her for spanking him. huh? The author gives examples of children that weren't spanked and how they are devil children compared to the kids that received switchings. All he says is that they weren't switched not that they also weren't disciplined, so readers believe children that aren't spanked are thus horrible and out of control.
Now, I wasn't spanked often (I only remember a few occasions, and thinking it was funny when it happened. I know.. I was awful) and my sisters and I grew up completely selfish and rebellious and disrespectful to our parents.... so you'd think I would be all for "switchings", but my parents (I love them dearly) just weren't consistent in their disciplining.
In TTUAC multiple times he uses animals as examples... "this is how the amish train their mules". So, that means this is how we should train our precious children?! He doesn't even try to hide the fact that this is nothing more than behavior modification psychology. They say if you are nursing and your baby bites you to pull the baby's hair. Poor baby never knew what was coming. Why not just remove baby from breast everytime he bites, he will figure it out, seems more logical right? You will get switched for: not playing with a toy you were given, crying, not being happy or joyful, not having unquestioned obedience to any adult/older child. Gee, you know... after I've had a bad day a good, long switching or solitary confinement always put me in a better mood! And, apparently fear is how you gain your child's respect. Think about the people you respect, seek advice from, trust and love... did they use a large tree branch on you to earn it? What happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? That verse was never quoted in the book, I actually don't remember anything from Jesus being quoted.
I love this
article: "
I’ve read several articles that address the issue of spanking where the writer says it’s okay to spank if the child is in danger - for instance, if a toddler is running into the street, or reaching out to touch a hot burner on the stove. They suggest that at these times a few pops on the rear end are okay. I must admit this naïve mindset baffles me. Why in the world would we want to teach our children about safety by hurting them? Does you ski instructor jab you with his ski pole to teach you not to jump off the chairlift?A parent who believes that spanking is the only effective way to teach a young child about safety issues is not giving the child enough credit. Children - even little ones - can indeed learn about safety through our teaching them. As a matter of fact, through teaching they will learn much more, as they can absorb the reason for the rule, and over time, can learn to make good decisions on their own. I watched two friends one summer teach their toddlers not to run in the street Mom A give her toddler a swat on the rear every time he went in to the street. Mom B picked up her toddler, looked him in the eye, and said, “NO street! Dangerous. Stay by Mommy.” By the end of the summer, both children learned to stay out of the street. Which child understood why? And which child has better communication with his mother?
Positive, respectful, consistent discipline is the real key to raising well-behaved children."
ANY book that claims that "if you do it OUR way your kids will be perfect, if you do it THEIR way they will be horrible..." is crap. CRAP I say! :-) We do spank some, but I believe it should be for pretty serious offenses (for some kids that can be every day, sadly enough). As for the running in the road? I think a tiny bit of pain on the bum, WITH an explanation of why, is best. A tiny bit of pain on the bum is far less serious than a whole lot of pain of the kid running in the road. For us, it took maybe 2 times of a kid getting in near the road, quick swat, a very firm NO, explain, done.
I will say that parenting is the hardest thing ever. Knowing what the right thing to do and doing it is hard! Each kid is so different. Our first never needed a spanking or discipline of any sort - she's just easy going, content. Our second came out swinging. :-)
My best advice is to stop reading the books. Most of them are full of junk. Well, maybe that isn't totally true, but study your child, learn from your child and most of all PRAY NONSTOP. :-)
GREAT advice from Tonya...
I'd have to say that I've been TORN on this issue as a parent. I ALSO have to say, I DO thank my parents for spankings-loL! I was one of those kids that came out swinging. I probably got spanked at least once a week growing up, my younger brother, once a month, and our youngest brother..possibly once a year? Kids are so different. Where one just needs a look, and they 'know.' Others like myself, need more.
That said, I was never beaten, or made to be ashamed during it (pants down, etc.), nor was I spanked by an out of control angry parent. Usually sent to room first, then spanked and talked to. The book you mentioned is scary-especially in relation to those of us who are saved and live according to the bible. These 'religios' people give the Lord a bad name. The bible never specifically declares how to discipline your child other than, to MAKE sure we 'raise them up in the way they should go'and not to 'spare the rod.' That last parts where a lot of cunfusion comes in for christian parents. Does that mean a 'literal tree switch'? Or, does it mean the rod used by shepards at that time to help in directing their sheep? i.e., when a sheep started to wander (like a disobedient child) the shepard would gently reach out w/the rod and pull them back in to the herd with the hook end of it around their neck.
This stuff is hard. Currently, I do spank. But, I think the best advice ever is for us as parents to stay in close relationship w/the Lord and He will direct our paths and actions.
Good luck w/this stuff...you've got about a yr-loL! :D
We really like Shepherding a Child's Heart, which does advocate spanking (not with a branch), but also teaching them the "why" behind things. Like that they are to obey us, not to make us parents happy, but because the Bible says children are to obey their parents.
Another one is "Don't make me count to three" by Ginger Plowman. It gives you verses to teach them Biblical principles.
Even if you decide not to spank, both these books have some good stuff to take away. GL and the baby is darling. My baby is 4 now!
I wholeheartedly agree with everything here. I love the Gentle Christian Mothers site! I have learned so much on their forums, for when I have children of my own.
I agree with everyone! That's fun to say. Trust me, when Claire was a baby i thought people who were "spankers" were horrible because it seemed like it would just never be necessary. However, when major defiance or disrespect starts happening, you start to wonder a little if you can just always "redirect" rather than discipline. And then, if you have a child who is especially defiant (I do! I do!) then you all of a sudden have to REALLY decide what you believe about the issue b/c it's going to be tested every day. With Sammy, we are tested every day. All day. Minute by minute. And I've tried most of the different techniques that seemed "christian" to me. We spank, but not with some supposedly Bible-backed beating element. That's crazy talk. That Pearl guy is a piece of work. I've read a lot of his stuff and it's pretty mean sounding. He comes across very angry and judgemental and prideful, and he also really seems to think of it as outcome-based. What if you spank a lot...consistently...and your child is still "unruly"? He assumes it will always work and that this is the reason to do it. What if it doesn't work...is it still the only Bible-recommended way?
Just a couple verses to ponder- Proverbs 23:13, 14
"Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."
I'm enjoying reading your blog. :-)
Cute baby!
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