Faith is now 10 weeks old!! I love this picture of her (it was cold one day). At her 2 month check up she weighed 12.6 pounds, I think (it was confusing because the scale jumped to like 13 for a second and then went back to 12.6 and the nurse is like I think she is 13... I'm like whaaat?) and 23 inches. So that makes her 90th percentile for weight (but probably for being 13lbs) and 75th for height. And she still sleeps through the night... she nurses to sleep around 10-11 and will start making noises around 5am (some nights around 2 also) and I nurse her before she has a chance to wake herself up and then around 7 I wake up and take her to the potty (she has gone all night w/a dry diaper the past week! that isn't normal right?) then she goes back to sleep until 8:30 or 9. She sleeps most of the day (except in the evening) for 2 days, then the 3rd day she will be awake all day long.
And, the doctor was so impressed with her head control. He said that babies that are worn in slings, etc tend to have better head control & learn to walk faster :-). And, when I told him we were "delaying" vaccines he was like "that's cool." he did say his ultimate goal was to have her vaccinated, but he wasn't pushy or mean and didn't call CPS. lol
1 comment:
Okay-sounds like you've got one of those dream babies-loL! I don't think you'll have to be too concerned w/spankings ;D
I knew I had a spicy Mabel when the nurse handed her back to me at 2 days old and said that 'I don't need to worry about her taking care of herself or from big brother-that she's got a dominate will and lings.') I was kinda annoyed at the time, my precious sweet little baby and all :) But, by week 2, she was up screaming at the top of her high pitched little lungs and throwing tantrums already-seriously! Now at 15mon, she still challenges me and hits me in the face to see what I'll do...spicy little bugger-but, I love it ;D On the other hand, little hand swats have already taken place, much sooner than her older brother...what can you say? They are all different!
Now I just hope that this little bugger in me will come out like one of those sweet little 'sleep through the night' ones like you've got-loL! 6 more weeks!
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