Wednesday, May 5, 2010

some links on spanking

Is Spanking Biblical? This is probably the best article I have read! So much information!

And this awesome book is online again!! Samuel Martin "Thy Rod and Thy Staff"

Kevin Swanson (who is NOT anti-spanking) speaks out against the dangers of Michael and Debi Pearl (though they aren't mentioned by name) . This REALLY surprised me! I'm so glad to hear someone in the homeschool community taking a stand!

Please, I don't want to debate with anyone or make anyone feel judged for their choices.


Tonya said...

Criminy Beth - you're so controversial! First the whole skirt thing, now spanking. :-) Just teasing you!

I do think it's wrong to assume that you're either like Michael and Debbie Pearl or you're totally anti-spanking. There is a bit of middle ground in all of that. :-) Kind of like childbirth - it's not a totally medicated birth in a hospital or homebirth. I've never had a homebirth, but have had 5 totally natural births - and wonderful experiences! I think there are more people who are not pro-Pearl than you would think. I got a couple of their books and threw them away. The marriage one was kind of creepy! I think I got their parenting one as well, but that one was way too strict for me!

The Whites said...

lol i know!

And I don't assume that. Sorry if it came off that way. I definitely don't think you go around switching your 5 month old in the name of Jesus ;-)

The Whites said...

Oh... I get it now. I meant I was surprised because I hadn't heard that from anyone who was pro-spanking in the homeschool community, not that I assume every pro-spanker in the homeschool community is also pro-pearl, just hadn't heard it vocalized so strongly. Almost all anti-pearl things I read are from anti-spankers.

And, at least the one strongly pro-pearl person I know would have nothing to do with anything that said spanking was wrong. So maybe they would listen to someone that just said pearl was wrong. sorry if this made no sense at all... my computer is slow and I'm not going to edit my thoughts lol

Tonya said...

You know, the homeschooling "famous" parents out there that I just feel like I can relate to are the Clarksons. I have yet to read something from her that I disagree with. Usually I feel encouraged and convicted.

The Whites said...

Have you read Heartfelt Discipline? Apparently they don't believe spanking is biblical either (which is what the book talks about). Its out of print right now, but I emailed them and Clay said it would be back in print end of the summer. I've loved everything I've read from them too!

Is he a pastor? I know they live in Monument...

TulipGirl said...

I'm thankful that the party line of spanking-is-Biblically-mandated is being questioned. I grew up just -assuming- that "well, of course all good Christians spank!" And I'm thankful that God has helped us see where our cultural assumptions were leading to that conclusion rather than the Bible.