Monday, February 1, 2010

links, links, links

ya know, I could have just added these in the side bar divided into sections... that would have been smarter. oh well, maybe tomorrow... or today depending on how long Faith sleeps.

Also, my dentist just called to confirm my appointment for tomorrow. I never made an appt for tomorrow. I asked what it was for and she said fillings. Last time I was there (2 weeks ago) I made it a point to ask if that was my last filling and it was. She said I had 3 more tomorrow and that she had quoted me a price of $58. I'm positive they must have scheduled it under my name on accident because if I was having 3 fillings it would cost like $120. Plus, I make it a point to schedule on government holidays so Mike can watch her. so, yeah, weird. she canceled it, but I bet the person will show up tomorrow.

one more babywearing because I just found it today

PARENTING - yikes this is a big category
Gentle Christian Mothers - fav. website EVER
To Train Up A Child - quotes from the book
Parenting Freedom - this website has EVERYTHING!
Mercola - shunning the family bed you might have to enter your email address to read it.
A Parenting Experiment to try before doing Babywise - interesting. This website also has a neat magazine that I want a subscription to.
Evaluating Ezzo's logic - this is great, very in depth.
Study on Corporal Punishment - I haven't read this, it looks long...

Pygmy Model for Relations - one of my FAV articles. I only wish they were Christian.
Motherhood Bliss - a great article for Christian mothers.

next up... BIRTH!!!


The Cleary Family said...

I find it interesting you would post comments on other people's blogs that you are anti-sleep training when you haven't even tried it. You post blogs and articles from people who misread the books and post lies and incorrect information about them.

Perhaps you should read the book yourself before criticizing a sleep training theory that is a bestseller and has helped millions of people enjoy their children more by teaching them to sleep successfully. And the pacifier comment is outrageous. Not everyone wants to nurse their child all day every day but are subjected to judgements from people like you who are at the obvious extreme.

I also find it funny that while you continue to nurse your child multiple times a night, including acting as a human pacifier, mine sleeps happily for twelve hours so I can enjoy a few hours uninterrupted with my husband every night to focus on our marriage. How's that for sleep training?

The Whites said...

I've read Babywise and would never ever do that... maybe something like "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" I would read and implement if need be. So, I'm sorry my association with the term "sleep training" = ferber/babywise/CIO if that isn't what you mean by it.

I said "nothing against people using pacifiers"! I just take offense when someone says being a "human pacifier" is a bad thing(like people who write some of the baby training books), yet they use an artificial pacifier to do the same job. Which, I know, Samantha said nothing about... I just got off on a tangent.

lies, incorrect information? scientific studies are lies and misinformation?

I have a hot head for the subject since I just read babywise - talk about lies and incorrect information for the breastfeeding mother.

Anonymous said...

Well I have read the book too. I even followed it with my second baby. Following it is now one of my NUMBER ONE regrets in life. This book is filled with LIES. I have since had four more children who nursed freely and slept with us at night (or at least part of the night). I nursed each of them for two years (no pacifiers) and it is one of the BEST things I have ever done. The results are AMAZING. My first two babies were so attached to their plastic binkies. With baby #3 I decided it would be more healthy if that attachment were completely directed toward me, his mother. Babywise is a godsend for the modern mother who doesn't want to be tied down to her baby. I am so thankful for older, wiser mothers who taught me that there was a better way! Beth, you are so blessed to know these things with your first baby!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TulipGirl said...

Another link you might like. . .


The Cleary Family. . . well, I've been there, done that -- and really regret the "sleep training" and scheduled feeding I did with my first two and half kids. I don't think Mrs. White is an extreme. . . but teachings by people like the Ezzos and the Pearls? Now, THOSE are extremes -- but they present their ideas in a way to triangulate and present themselves as "moderate." But their ideas? Ultimately not good.

Grace and hope,