Friday, January 29, 2010


Case for Cue-Feeding - great article
Watch Your Language - article on how language affects breast/formula perceptions
Lact-Aid - if you "don't make enough milk"
Natural age of weaning - I'll give you a hint, its not 12 months ;-)
Potential danger of bag-slings - those slingriders you can buy from walmart... aka "I carry my baby in a duffle bag."
Walters Organics Wrap - this is apparently an amazing wrap and cheap too, I heard it referred to as the "Poor man's Pamir" which is a VERY expensive (like $800+), hard to find wrap.

babywearing tutorials
mei tai with interchangeable panel - the first MT I made... not the best, but its fun with the panels
pouch sling - with video!!! This takes like 10 minutes
DIY wrap - I haven't done this yet, but I've heard wonderful things about Osnaburg fabric as a wrap.
Scandi Mei Tai - my fav. that I've made. super comfy, but the hood on this one is super small and useless
hood to headrest MT - this looks amazing, but I haven't gotten around to making it yet

can you tell I'm getting sick of this yet?


Tonya said...

How much do you charge to make a Scandi Mei Tei? I cannot justify purchasing another sling/wrap! :-) I bought one when she was about 8 months old, but she seems to have outgrown it. In retospect, I should have bought the toddler version. Can't remember the name of it.

Love the article on natural age of weaning. Very interesting, makes you think!

The Whites said...

welllll... if you have the material already, maybe $40. I can let you borrow a couple different ones if you want, like the scandi or I just bought a soft-structured carrier (like ergo) from the babywearer that someone had made for $35 and Faith feels almost weightless, and its a lot faster since I don't have to tie anything! LOOOOVE IT for errands. are you going to the steiningers tonight?