One of her many nicknames... it was close to Father's Day and there was a mispelling in an email.
I started a journal for Faith. My sister bought it for me for Christmas and I figured if I write 1 page a month I can do it until she is like 20... I'm already behind and it's only the second month. So while I'm stuck here on the couch under a sleeping baby with one free hand- I thought I'd type it on here so I won't forget some of the things she is doing.
She starts tugging on her diaper, trying to pull off the velcro, if she peed in it.
She says mamamama if she is tired and hungry.
She only walks at night when daddy is home.
She loves drinking water out of our water bottles, even if it makes her choke.
I think she may be doing the sign for milk.
I'm super lazy about giving her solids (like once a week) and I hate putting her in her high chair, it just seems like such a hassle. Its okay though, she doesn't really NEED solids yet.
She is 9.5 months, weighs 21lbs I think and wears size 12 - 18months.
She slept through the night without nursing at all for the first time the other night... I kept waking up, trying to get her to nurse and she would latch on for 5 seconds then pull off and roll away. She was sick though and couldn't breathe very well, so I think thats why.
She still takes 3 naps/day. 2 long ones during the day and a short one at night. And nurses before, during, and after all sleeping. :-)
She likes to play in the fridge, pull things out of cabinets/drawers/bookshelves... basically play with anything but her toys.