Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Feminist Fantasies

from Phyllis Schlafly's book- Feminist Fantasies, in a section called "Choosing a Career"

"Marriage and motherhood have their trials and tribulations, but what lifestyle doesn't?  If you look upon your home as a cage, you will find yourself just as imprisoned in an office or a factory.  The flight from the home is a flight from self, from responsibility, from the nature of woman, in pursuit of false hopes and fading fantasies.
If you complain about servitude to a husband, servitude to a boss will be more intolerable.  Everyone in the world has a boss of some kind.  It is easier for most women to achieve a harmonious working relationship with a husband than with a foreman, supervisor, or office manager.  
That American women have always been fortunate (as opposed to oppressed as feminists would have us believe) was confirmed more than 150 years ago by the famous French commentator Alexis de Tocqueville:  "Although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is in some respects one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen woman occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked, now that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply:  to the superiority of their women"


I have been meaning to update for a while because so many things have been going on!  And, then I come into our computer room, and the USB thing that connects the memory card for our camera to the computer has been packed!!!  grrr...  so, no pictures.  

We are moving!  One block away, literally.  The housing company on base said that our house would probably be remodeled in August.  Turns out they are ahead of schedule.  So, 2 weeks ago we got this notice saying we had 30 days to move, we go to the housing office and they say it won't actually be until late May/early June.  I'm like uhh... no!  Moving with a newborn??  I think not.  So, thankfully, there was a house available sooner and we are moving this weekend.   We got the keys today (we had already seen the inside a week and a half ago because there were no doorknobs on any of the outside doors... so we "broke" in) and the whole house must have been painted like yesterday, it smells horrible!  

I have been slowly packing our house for 2 weeks, so it hasn't been overwhelming.  I hate being pregnant and not able to lift heavy things!  Though, I have successfully disassembled a twin size fully wooden bed and our 8 foot dining room table by myself!  

The house is nice though, the master bed & basement are much bigger, it has nicer bathrooms, and a fireplace and a garage... with a garage door opener!  Oh, but we will be having to move out around the 20th of this month for a few days while they re-do the kitchen counter tops (apparently the shipment was delayed)... hmmm great.  Anyone know if I should take everything out of the cabinets while this is happening?  I don't want everything covered in dust!

I'm also excited about having a new address, people don't understand our address now which is 4518E E. streetname (thats right 2 'E's)... and then to live in a 'city' that is an acronym including the similar sounding letters of S & F.  Now we will be at 4501A W. street name... less confusing I hope.  

I'm 36 weeks now!  27 days left hopefully (and not 41 days!).  

I'll have pictures after we unpack.