Friday, March 1, 2013

1 year later

Well, I'm pretty bad at blogging now.  Its been over a year.  I am giving up facebook for Lent.  Today is Ash Wednesday at 1pm (when I post this, its actually a couple weeks into lent now!) and I already had to get on it once (it was a legitimate reason, except I could have done it yesterday but forgot And I didn't check the 76 notifications I had).  Facebook must think I have died, they send me an email every few days saying I have pending notifications.  I'm going to be giving up message boards too because it would be too easy for me to replace facebook with that.

I was a facebook addict, I don't even have a smartphone but I would check it constantly throughout the day.   At our old house, we had a computer in the kitchen so it was convenient to stop by when I was doing something else, oh and what do you know - 20 minutes goes by and I have done nothing.  Since we moved here I have limited myself to facebook only when I'm nursing the kids to sleep which has worked pretty well, but I'm excited about the break and praying to be more focused on the Lord.

Oh right, we moved to Alaska!  In January.  Its been good so far though.  Its hard to get out with 2 little ones when its cold & snowy but I'll have to get used to it.  The sun is out today (only happens every couple days lately) so we'll have to get our vitamin d!

We live in an 1100 sq ft apartment.  Our last house was somewhere around 1600 or 1800 and two levels which I hated, we basically lived on the main level and only went upstairs to sleep.  Its so nice having a smaller place, we had to get rid of a LOT of stuff though, I can neither confirm nor deny whether we had an excess of our 9000 lb limit.  I love getting rid of things, decluttering, it makes me really happy.  Happier than buying things.  Not to mention, we will save a bunch of money vs if we had lived on base.  One big downside:  no washer/dryer.  There is a coin-operated one in the garage but its half the size of a normal washing machine and I was told the dryer sucks so... we wash in the tub.  Its mostly not as bad as it sounds.  Also no yard, but there is a park half a block away.  Its actually a "four-plex" not an apartment.  There are only 3 other units.  And we have super cool neighbors, all of them have kids (well one is a single guy but he's deployed right now) and they are really friendly and I'm feeling really blessed by it.

I got my nose pierced this past year.  I had wanted it for a while and I love it!  I also got my lip pierced... twice.  Its called spiderbites.  I went with my super awesome friend who got the same thing done (who also has 2 kids and I miss her so much) right before we moved.  Some days I love them and other days I think I might take them out.  Especially if I get hit in the lip by one of my children... it happens more often than you realize.

We have been gluten free for the past year.  I know, how many more people are going to jump on the bandwagon and claim "intolerance"?!  This gal so, shut your face.  It started because of Faith's eczema, that cleared right up and turns out her PICA (eating paper mostly) was related too.  She also becomes irrational and hyperactive (or exhausted, it varies) if she has it.  And has potty accidents.  She weighed 25lbs when I took us off gluten (she was 2.75 yr old) and she now weighs 32lbs.  She weighed 19.5 lbs at 7 months old.  So she gained more in a year than she had in the previous 2 years combined.  I am noticing more that when I am exposed I become so angry and impatient and exhausted.  I cannot wake up in the morning I just lay around for hours before I really wake up and think "so THIS is why people drink coffee!".  I  hate to tell you all this, but going GF is way easier than feeling like that every morning!  We keep getting glutened on accident lately... Mike isn't GF and I kissed him and I think got glutened because he had eaten cookie dough ice cream.  So Faith was glutened via the milkies.  And at Church, I only take communion under the wine form now because we started having reactions to that too.
Its weird that this is where we are now, when we first started GF I wouldn't really worry much about cross-contamination or "well I'm really hungry and we're out running errands so lets get some pizza and gouge ourselves on gluten for a couple days".  It also took me A LONG time to realize all of the symptoms she was having as a result of gluten and how it was all connected.  People always ask me if she is Celiac, as if that makes it more real.  We didn't get her tested before we took her off gluten and you're supposed to be eating gluten for a while before being tested and I'm not putting us through that just so I can have a diagnoses for something I already know the solution to.

Faith is still nursing.  She is 3.5.  (that is almost 4, I can't believe it!  she is so big)  Its only once a day, or some days not even once.  Ok ok and to go to sleep and several times at night, I really only have a vague idea of how often at night.  lol  I was *this* close to nightweaning her until I gave it a half assed attempt and realized it would be hard and possibly make my period come back, so really no one wins in that situation.  lol I'll just wait a while longer and maybe she'll night wean herself, that happens right?

*confession*  I am super dedicated to homeschooling, but at least once a week I google preschools because *I* think it looks like fun.  (esp the 600/month for 2 days a week waldorf school haha)

We also have a fantastic Catholic Church here!  Perpetual Adoration, a weekly children's rosary, no nursery so all the kids are making noise in church, latin mass once a week, and a moms group!  Its lovely!

Titus just started walking!  He is 14 months.  He is trying to talk too.  I don't know what else to say about a 1 year old.... so, sorry Titus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I had a question for you about possibly collaborating on something (with The White House) and was hoping you could email me back to discuss? Thanks so much!

- Emma

emmabanks9 (at) gmail (dot) com