Friday, December 16, 2011

38 week update

Well, I haven't blogged in a while.  So here is an update in bullet form.

  • I'm 38 weeks.  Feels like baby has dropped, ouch my pubic bone and lots of nerve irritation.  I keep feeling like this baby will be early, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.  Faith was 9 days late though and I know babies come when they are ready :)
  • Faith is 2 and a half.  And so much fun.  I really really like this stage.  Its so easy when they really understand you.  She is still nursing and nursing at night and sleeping in our bed.  And I wear her on my back to get her to go to sleep.  Its a sight to see, let me tell you.  But seriously, the "toddler-wearing" is the best thing ever.  She is around 26lbs so definitely not a heavy 2.5 yr old.  She falls asleep in minutes!
  • Lately she is totally uninterested in me reading books to her most days and wants to "read" them herself.  it frustrates me.  She knows colors and animals, but not interested in shapes or counting past 3. hehe.  
  • She understands there is a baby in my belly and will say "baby moving!"  if she sees/feels it moving.  But I'm not sure how much she understands that the baby will be staying with us forever.  lol  
  • She says her name "beef".