Friday, September 9, 2011


Just a boring update, because I feel guilty when I don't update for months at a time. :)

We were going to be moving to NJ in March, but looks like that isn't happening now. I was pretty disappointed at first, but it would have been really hard to move across the country with a 2 month old and 2 year old. Plus I have lots of super awesome friends here that I would miss a lot, even though now I won't be able to get raw milk 45 min away for $5/gallon. boo!

"New baby" is 24 weeks now :) cooking right along! We aren't finding out the gender... and not doing any u/s at all unless medically indicated. I have a super awesome doctor that has been supportive of me declining every test he has offered so, thats been nice. I'm serious, he is crunchier than the midwife I had when Faith was born. Who would have thought!?
Starting to really feel pregnant now... feeling lots of movements and I've been having braxton hicks since 9 or 10 weeks! jeez! Its also getting harder to move and roll over in bed. We haven't decided officially on names, but pretty sure it will be MaryGrace if its a girl, I've really liked that name for a long time, even before we were Catholic (I know, I know, could we pick a more Catholic name? lol) and now its perfect, and we found out that Mary and Grace are both family names on Michael's side! Not sure on a boy's name though... we still have a couple favorites. No middle names yet either.

Faith is almost 28 months. I really really like this stage she's at. Way better than 1 was! She can understand and say so much, and she can help! She really responds well when she is upset if I give her a time frame like "We can't watch veggie tales right now, we can watch it after you take a nap" and she says "alright". Or "We can't go to the park now, we can go to the park tomorrow"... "ok". She loves to point out sheshus (Jesus) and Mary (sometimes loudly) when we go to Church, she loves to listen to and play "meek" (music), and says things like she's a little italian "help a me"... "don't touch a me". She really loves playing with other kids "tids". And loves giving hugs and holding my hand when we walk - its the sweetest thing!

We're working on potty "learning", right now its potty bribery - don't judge me. Several months ago she started refusing the potty all together (except poop - she always tells me she needs to poop! Thank goodness!!), even if she needed to pee so after a few months of her being completely in diapers (we did EC from the beginning so she has been going on the potty her whole life) and my potty offers always being met with "NO!"- I'm giving chocolate chips. If it doesn't work, fine, but if it does - yay for not having 2 babies in diapers!
She is still nursing quite a bit, which is a little discouraging bec I have colostrum now and I was hoping she would wean on her own when I had no milk... but doesn't look like that will be happening. We went on a trip for a friends wedding and she was barely nursing other than nap/bedtime, but now that we're back home she wants to a lot more often (probably from boredom). I'm torn on the whole tandem nursing thing and don't know how I feel/will feel about it. I'm just keeping an open mind right now and seeing how things go. I just know we need to really work on night weaning because I am not down for nursing 2 all night long! I've already weaned her off her habit of twiddling the other side.... numerous times! "I touch o'dide!" (I touch other side - lol) I just forget she isn't supposed to be doing it sometimes. I'd also like to get her falling asleep by herself for naps/bedtimes, but I'm not too optimistic. And honestly, if its between a long bedtime/nap routine or nursing for a few minutes, I'll take nursing... even if I do have another baby to nurse too, because I'm lazy ;-)

hmmm maybe pictures sometime this week.