Well, 4 weeks tomorrow...

Breastfeeding is going great too. We never had any problems, thankfully!
ECing (I love her modesty! lol). She has always peed as soon as we take her diaper off, so since day 1 we have made a "ssss" sound as she is going and the day she was 3 weeks I held her over the toilet like this and made the sound and she went. I don't know what her signs of needing to go are, so right now its just timing and guessing and usually she goes. but i have about 1-2 real "catches" (she still has clean diaper) a day. Today has been particularly good. I'm still not sure if she is just going because her diaper is off though. lol
I look gigantic in this picture. She was like 2 days old here. We co-sleep. Its a good time. lol. We had a pack n play given to us and it has a bassinet part in it, so we were going to use that as a solution to this because I wasn't sure how I would feel sleeping with her in the bed when she is so little. But, she would wake up & cry as soon as we moved her into it (ok, we only tried it the first night she was home, but now it serves as a diaper holder). Even in the hospital she wouldn't sleep in the plastic bassinet, so I held her all night, and then since the first night she was home she has slept in bed with us. And, since her first night home, she has slept through the night. Is that ridiculous?! I have to set my cell phone alarm to go off 4x a night so I can change her & sometimes she will wake up enough to eat... sometimes not & then I'm sorry in the morning. I wonder how long this sleeping will last. I love being able to nurse without having to get out of bed/stay awake though.
This thing lives up to its name. Its called a "Sleepy Wrap", unless she is real angry she could be in it all day. And within 10 minutes she is asleep. The only problem is if she is awake she won't let me sit down with her in it, so I have to be walking around. And, she likes her head to be hanging out of it, so I have to hold her head like that. You should see the looks I get from people when I'm out with her in it... "is there a baby in there?!". Usually her legs aren't hanging out the bottom though.
The first 2 weeks she slept like 20+ hours a day so that was so easy! But, now she is starting to be more awake during the day. When she is sleeping I just want to pick her up & play with her, but then when she is awake I just want her to go back to sleep. lol And, I always think of things I need to do when she is awake or fussy and when she is sleeping I just get on the computer. lol
When I used cloth diapers, pants didn't seem to work very well. They would always fold into the diaper at the waist and then we'd have to wash the pants too often! Do you need baby clothes? I have more sleep sacks, and sleepers. Let me know. I'm up to digging them out this week! :-)
Sounds like you're figuring it all out well. She's so precious. I love the Sleepy Wrap! Can you put it on your back eventually? I so need something to carry Liza on my back.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy while she's so little. Don't worry about getting stuff done. Do the bare minimum. Hold her, nurse her, kiss her, rest with her. This ends all too quickly (although with my first it didn't feel that way).
Boy-Tonya said it, "Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!" It flies by way too fast:(
I love the pic of you two sleeping. I ended up buying a co-sleeper thingy(one of those tiny cribs you pull up to the side of your bed (that attaches to your bed so it doesn't slide away) to be able to sneak them into a few times a night so that my shoulder could rest. I've ended up sleeping w/both my babies in my bed cuddled next to me until they are around 6-9months...I'd sleep w/them longer if they let me:)...they tend to start pushing away, flippin' floppin', and wanting their own space around then (my babies at least, I'm sure they are all different). Then I sneak them into a crib.
But, just looking at your pic reminded me of how my shoulder blade and muscles would be so sore in the morning after craddling them all night. I found it easier to put them on a pillow when they were newborns, face up, and cuddled them that way, since they are so tiny, and you feel like you'll roll on em-squish em when they are little. Of course, I'm somewhat paranoid and a light sleeper when they are so little, afraid I'm crushing them or that they're suffocating-loL! I've only had one scare so far after all those many nights sleep-but God's so good, he woke me up to the only time I had gotten into a deep sleep and had started squishing Mabel. Weird-dead sleep, and I felt someone touch my arm-which woke me up. No one was there, but when I looked at my baby, she was rolled facedown and pressed way too into me. As soon as I rolled off of her, I noticed her face was blue-white, but she startled and took a deep breath and was fine. I started bawling of course and thanking the Lord that he had woken me-quite a scare, but I wouldn't give up co-sleeping for the world! Babies are the ones that mainly need it. I think it's too harsh to come out of a warm, snuggly womb, straight into a big empty bed w/out momma's skin next to you. I've read from Dr. Sear's that it's actually helpful in preventing SID's too, so go figure! Pro's and Con's either way!
Enjoy your baby snuggly time!
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