Sunday, February 27, 2011


Faith and I went to church alone today (not this church, just a pretty picture I found)! First time thats ever happened, only because Mike worked last night and obviously wasn't going to get up 2 hours after he got home to go to Church and I just felt like going :) I almost didn't go, because I must be insane to try taking her by myself!! But, she sat through the entire service!!!! I can't even believe it! Granted, it was only an hour but I didn't have to take her out at all. well, once because she said she needed to go potty, which is also a HUGE deal because she hardly ever tells me before she goes. and she kept asking for food (of course I brought none) and nursed like 5 times and wanted this girl's baby doll in front of us. But she was pretty good! I haven't been able to sit through an entire service since she was like 3 months old. I still got nothing out of it because I was trying to occupy her the whole time, but its progress!
I'll say more about WHERE we went to church later, but I'd like to save the reprimands and concerns for my soul for another day ;-)

1 comment:

Tonya said...

All right, confess. Where did you go???